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Supply Chain Sustainability

Supplier Management

Management of risk and governance within the supply chain is achieved initially through our Supplier Quality Manual which spells out expectations such as:

  • Ensure responsibility for the environment through ISO14000 certification for Environmental Management Systems and oversight thereof for similar systems in their tiered supply base
  • The Code of Supplier Conduct that further defines suppliers are to not use child or forced labor, commitment to worker health and safety, conditions that promote healthy workplace free of intimidation, harassment or undue influence, use of required minerals are in accordance with the Conflict Free Sourcing initiative (

Further risk mitigation is achieved through pre-business audits to ensure conformance to our expectations and guidelines are verified prior to entering into a new supply agreement relationship. Ongoing audits are conducted to ensure continue performance to the required standards. Linamar’s Supplier Quality Manual can be referenced here.

Diversity in the Supply Base

Aligned with Linamar’s overall policy and views towards the talent that is driven by diversity, equal opportunity and the benefit of having a wider selection of goods and services providers, Linamar purchasing has a Global Supplier Diversity Policy in place.  Linamar’s efforts to increase the diversity of the supply base has been recently recognized by 2 of our key Detroit based OEM automotive customers as exhibited by receiving each of their Supplier Diversity Awards.  Linamar is a corporate member of both the CAMSC, the Canadian Aboriginal and Minority Supplier Council, and the NMSDC, National Minority Supplier Development Council.

Our Global Supplier Diversity Policy can be reference here.

Linamar’s Global Purchasing Organization takes steps to ensure that its supply chain partners act in accordance with our own values, ethics, governance and sense of social responsibility required of a sustainable long-term relationship. To ensure that Linamar’s vendors of both goods and services understand and put these values into practice, Linamar is explicit in its expectations that are part of the standard Terms and Conditions when entering into a supply agreement.