Diversity Drives Results
We want a leadership team at Linamar that reflects the communities we work in, and that maximizes our access to the whole talent pool. Talent drives results, and diversity maximizes talent!
Progressive Leadership Drives Results
Linamar has earned a spot on the inaugural Report on Business Women Lead Here list, an annual benchmark of executive gender diversity in corporate Canada. This recognition comes from The Globe and Mail Report On Business Magazine 2020 “Women Lead Here” for policies related to gender diversity leadership

At Linamar, we believe in powering the future; it is our commitment to ensure that we maximize our access to the whole talent pool to drive our business forward as it becomes more and more technology-driven. To achieve this, we have set several initiatives in place, including:
- Programs such as Female Skilled-Trade Apprenticeships, Summer Technical Day Camps for Girls in grades 7-9, Skills Canada Partnership
- Long-term corporate priority to increase female proportionality in leadership by attracting more female youth into manufacturing & technology at Linamar and in the industry in general
- Lead Sponsor of ‘See It – Be It – STEM It,’ an inspirational calendar and website showcasing motivational young females role models who have chosen a career or area of study in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math. To learn more, please visit seeitbeitstemit.com.
- $5 Million scholarship donation to Western University for ten female students each year, to fund half the cost of tuition for the three years of the dual degree program plus Linamar employment
- Our CEO, Linda Hasenfratz, is the Co-Chair of Canada-US Council for Advancement of Women in Business. To learn more, please visit advancingwomeninbusiness.com.